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With the aim of leading different studies to seek a way out for individuals with rare diseases and ultimately find a cure, under the leadership of  RaDiChal's founding director, Dr. Cihan Taştan (Acıbadem Labcell Laboratory R&D Specialist), a RaDiChal team was formed with undergraduate students.


Contest themed,"Rare Diseases and Treatments" has been launched in order to spread the most important technology of the 21st century, genetic engineering and genetic therapies widespread in our country, to develope local and value-added gene therapy products and create experienced manpower in this field and to make genetic research throughout Turkey.


Radichal family has offered their thanks for SMA-der for the cooperation considering the support we provide as Fighting Association with SMA Disease to the contest of Rare Diseases Challenge (radichal) Overall Turkey & Interuniversity Rare Diseases  Genetic Therapy.