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Zolgensma used in the treatment of MA disease; Turkey Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency dated December 22, 2020 was added to the Overseas Drug List.

In the explanation section, "It has been added to the list due to the decision of the Court." The phrase is included. With this development, all drugs used in the treatment of SMA disease were added to the foreign drug list. The inclusion of the treatments in the foreign medicine list and the reimbursement by the SSI are different situations. In our country, only Spinraza treatment is within the scope of reimbursement and is used free of charge by patients who meet the criteria.

The other two treatments have not yet been reimbursed by the Social Security Institution, patients do not have free access to treatment.

As SMA-DER, all treatment methods; We continue our activities to make it equal and accessible for all patients.